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LawBiz® TIPS – Week of June 14, 2011

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We have passed the one week mark of our Road to Revenue National Road Show. I hope you're watching our progress both at and

We have passed through the gorgeous mountain ranges of Northern California. Did you know that at one time there was a movement to sever the State of California into California (the south) and the State of Jefferson (northern California and southern Oregon)? Fascinating and little-known point in history that the rapidly growing movement lost its team when distracted by the needs to respond to WWII.

We are staying a few days in the beauty of Southern Oregon and attending the first Oregon Shakespeare Festival®, founded in 1935. Later this week, on June 15th, we begin our presentations:

Weds, June 15 - Portland, OR

11am - Managing Client Expectations (Oregon State Bar)

Mon, June 20 - Seattle, WA

11am: Lifting the Hood of Your Future (Washington State Bar)
3pm: Succession Planning and the Profitable Exit Strategy (Association of Immigration Lawyers)

Don't forget to look up our sponsors, Fujitsu ScanSnap and Lexis Hub. Thank you.

I hope your summer is beginning with great joy and excitement. Ours certainly is. Until next week, keep the rubber on the road.

Ed signature

Is Marketing Worth It?

Return on Investment (ROI)
Despite their tinsel and glitter image, even marketing folks are concerned about the return on the investment in their daily activities. While some folks, including lawyers, ignore the money, marketing professionals are trying to convince their management that they are important to the success of their organization and for new business coming in. An article in Advertising Age about two Los Angeles marketing consultants who I know and admire described the situation this way: "Return on advertising investment has always been a priority for marketers, but in the recession it flew to the top of the list. ... [C]hief marketing officers fought to justify spending within their organizations – often via spirited discussions with procurement departments about where the dollars are going... "

Attracting New Clients
For marketing to be effective, irrespective of the size of the law firm or the firm's marketing activities as a whole, each lawyer must establish the expertise necessary to entice a prospect to become a client. This is done using many tools, some with more credibility than others: writing a newspaper or trade magazine article, speaking to a community organization, running an advertisement, launching a web site, mailing out a brochure. Often this is done less according to a plan than to a hope that something sticks.

Expense and Effort Are Involved
Marketing for small law firm attorneys is no different than for large law firm attorneys. Large law firm practitioners must market individually just as small law firm practitioners do. A large law firm has a staff of people devoted to helping individual lawyers in the firm and individual practice groups; this is absent from most small law firms. Expertise is available inside large firms that small firms must hire from the outside. Either way, expense and effort are involved.

ROI Should be Visible and Immediate
Do you look at this issue? Can you determine whether the marketing money you spend is producing a profit, is enabling you to expand in your practice area, is improving your skill as a lawyer, or otherwise contributing to the improvement of your law practice? You should. The marketing function is not something to be pushed off on outsiders. It should be pushed down to every member of the firm, the professionals responsible for interacting with the clients/prospects, with some organizational assistance. Marketing is the creation of one-on-one personal relationships in order to increase business. The ROI is visible and immediate. If you don't see it, something's wrong.

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In this issue:

Is Marketing Worth It?

Law Firm Fees & Compensation

Video: Managing Client Expectations

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"We started trial today... (The) short conversation we had about the case ... prompted a fabulous opening/closing statement for me... You sparked a great visual argument for me which I have confidence in... Thank you."

MO, Los Angeles, CA

"I have been working with coaches for the past couple of years concerning my business, and the thing that I particularly like about working with Ed Poll is his 25 years of legal background. He has a keen insight into the ramifications of practicing law and he seems to be genuinely concerned about my business."

FSB, Attorney At Law
Birmingham, AL

Ed Poll, LawBiz® Management   |   |   |
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