<i>The Profitable Law Office Handbook, Attorney's Guide to Successful Business Planning</i><br><br>Table of Contents

PART I: Before Creating a Business Plan
Chap. 1.Recognize Potential Business Problems in Your Law Practice2
Chap. 2.Understand How Law Practice Is a Business3
Chap. 3.Realize that Business Planning is Simple4
Chap. 4.Understand the Benefits of Creating a Business Plan5
Chap. 5.Understand the Basic Business Planning Steps7
Chap. 6.Identify Who Needs to Agree To and Create the Plan9
Chap. 7.Consider the Logistics of Planning Meetings11
Chap. 8.Gather Relevant Information13

PART II: Setting Goals

Chap. 9.Understand the Process of Setting Goals16
Chap. 10.Have Participants Answer Questionnaires About Personal & Firm Goals18
Chap. 11.Create an Action Plan from Law Firm Questionnaires20

PART III: Creating the Marketing Plan

Chap. 12.Understand the Marketing Planning Process21
Chap. 13.Gather Information About the Legal Market and Your Firm23
Chap. 14.Define Marketing Objectives27
Chap. 15.Identify Marketing Methods to Reach Marketing Objective29
Chap. 16.Create the Marketing Plan31
Chap. 17.Evaluate Success of Marketing Plan33

PART IV: Creating the Cash Flow Statement

Chap. 18.Understand the Cash Flow Statement34
Chap. 19.Create the Collected Revenue Cash Flow Form37
Chap. 20.Create the Paid Expenses Cash Flow Form43
Chap. 21.Create the Summary Cash Flow Form49
Chap. 22.Review Cash Flow Forms and Adjust53

PART V: After Creating the Business Plan

Chap. 23.Modify Plan as Circumstances Change54
Chap. 24.Periodically Review Results55
Chap. 25.Determine If Plan is Working56


Apendix A.Law Firm Economic Survey57
Apendix B.Personal Goals Questionnaire59
Apendix C.Law Firm Goals Questionnaire60
Apendix D.Marketing Situation Questionnaire61
Apendix E.Marketing Activity Checklist63
Apendix F.Marketing Strategy Grid65
Apendix G.Marketing Action Plan66
Apendix H.Cash Flow Form -- Collected Revenue67
Apendix I.Cash Flow Form -- Paid Expenses68
Apendix J.Cash Flow Form -- Summary69
Apendix K.Cash Flow Variance Form -- Collected Revenue70
Apendix L.Cash Flow Variance Form -- Paid Expenses71
Apendix M.Commonly Encountered Accounting Terms72

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