About LawBiz®Management Company


Ed is a law firm strategist who helps attorneys and law firms increase their profitability by…

  1. Bringing in new business
  2. Attracting higher quality cases and clients
  3. Delivering legal services more effectively and efficiently

Edward Poll, J.D., M.B.A., CMC, advises law firms and their leaders on practice management, business development, and financial matters. He is a nationally-recognized practical guide to profit. His advice has benefited national, regional, and local law firms. Ed is unique in that he has long-term experience in both business and law. Ed has practiced law for 25 years, was the CEO and COO of several manufacturing businesses, and has been a consultant to small and large law firms for 15 years.

Thousands of lawyers have turned Ed’s ideas into a bigger income for themselves.

He’s a nationally-renowned instructor for law firms, bar associations and universities. He has taught:

  • “Creating New Business Enterprises,” in the Department of Entrepreneurship, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • “Business of Law Practice” for the USC Law Center for Advanced Professional Education
  • Institute of Continuing Legal Education (ICLE) formerly at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Ed has produced many books, audio and video programs on running a profitable law practice.

Ed’s current leadership positions include:

  • Legal columnist, “Coach?s Corner,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
  • Columnist, Legal Management, Association of Legal Administrators
  • President, National Speakers Association, Greater Los Angeles Chapter
  • Author of coaches’ course for Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
  • Member, Advisory Board, Accounting and Financial Planning for Law Firms (An American Law Media Publication)
  • Recent chairperson and current advisor to the Law Practice Management and Technology Section of the State Bar of California
  • President-Elect for the National Speakers Association, Greater Los Angeles Chapter
  • Regular contributor to CBA Practice Link, Canadian Bar Association

Ed’s past leadership positions and honors include:

  • Member, Council, Law Practice Management Section, American Bar Association
  • Member, Editorial Board, Los Angeles Lawyer, Los Angeles County Bar Association
  • Co-recipient of the “Leader of the Year” award of the General Practice Section of the American Bar Association
  • Chairperson, Law Practice Management Section, Beverly Hills Bar Association
  • Member, Executive Committee and Vice Chair, Law Office Management Section, Los Angeles County Bar Association
  • Chairperson and adviser to the Solo & Small Firm Section, State Bar of California (formerly General Practice Section)

Find out how you can get a bigger income, a more satisfying practice and peace of mind by contacting Ed Poll today!

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