Welcome to the 21st Century… And the Virtual Practice of Law

Published April 20, 2010

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Few if any professions are more traditionbound than the law. Every legal textbook and every compilation of statutes contains Latin terminology that dates back several millennia. The common law system itself has taken more than a thousand years to evolve, and every day cases turn on court precedents decided decades if not centuries ago. Without question, change comes slowly to the law and to lawyers.

The Internet Revolution Yet today there is nothing short of a revolution going on in the way that lawyers and clients interact, one made possible by the power of the Internet. The most familiar form of this revolution is the use of the Internet for everything from Web sites and Web logs (blawgs) to client updates and virtual seminars (Webinars), all of which have become well established and will continue to grow. Consider the Internet’s typical impact on one of the most fundamental of practices, that of family law:

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Audience type: Administrators, Associates, Large Law Firms, Small Law Firms, Sole Practitioners