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Private Coaching

unparalleled perspective and encouragement Successful lawyers know what winning endurance athletes know. Dedication and hard work will only take you so far. Even if you love what you are doing, if you listen only to your own advice, you will never reach your potential. To rise above your personal limitations, you need the perspective and encouragement of a coach. So, if your endurance sport is the practice of law, you should hire Ed Poll. With his help, you will surprise yourself with what you can achieve.

Law Firm Principal
San Francisco Bay Area


a great deal of common sense
Like many people nowadays, I am bombarded with distractions clamoring for my attention.

Amidst all the clamor, I am always happy to receive another of your emails. You always express a great deal of common sense. I also particularly appreciate the underlying tone of decency, by which I mean that the subtext of much of what you write is that it’s better to be a good person and mediocre lawyer than the other way around. Of course one may be both a good person and a good lawyer, but in an Internet of narcissists and a profession filled with jaded cynics, it is comforting to learn that some senior colleagues are conscious of the greater impact their work has on the world around them.

Philippe Doyle Gray
Sydney, Australia


A Business Plan made all the difference
I requested that (my partners) allow me to take on the management of the firm and suggested the creation of a business plan…. (Our practice) is a successful practice, but in dire need of a direction — and a business plan. They agreed to give me a shot and entertain a rough outline of my ideas. I was shocked when they agreed, but then horrified at the task before me. However, sitting on my shelf is “The Business of Law” that I purchased from you a few years ago. I began to read it and a whole new world has opened up for me. I just wanted to express my gratitude to you for writing the book… I am excited about the opportunity I have and just wanted to let you know that I appreciate all you do for the field.

Pleasanton, CA


First appointment saved client thousands of dollars
“I met with Ed for my first appointment in the Immersion Program, and at that first meeting, he saved me thousands of dollars by encouraging me to change a method of billing I have used for years. Ed validated and encouraged me to change something so simple which was costing the firm money. Ed is insightful, truthful and motivating. I look forward to our future meeting!”

Los Angeles, CA


Getting on track
“Ed helped me assess my situation and cut to the core issues that needed to be dealt with to improve it. Ed’s no-nonsense approach to setting and achieving goals helped me get on track. I can recommend Ed to anyone who’s ready to come to grips and take charge of their practice or career.”

Horan, Lloyd Law Offices


Coaching helps lawyer make partner and keep family happy
I wanted assistance from someone outside the firm: an expert who knew and understood the practice of law, business development and marketing, and law firm dynamics, ethics and politics. I needed someone who knew the practice of law to give me good and solid advice on how to raise my professional profile in the legal community and within the firm and to address challenges associated with working in a law firm environment. Through Ed’s invaluable coaching and no-nonsense approach, he enabled me not only to stay employed at the firm, but to make partner and have a future with the firm. Since I began working with Ed, my family has noticed the positive effect on my confidence level, goals, and direction. My wife has been supportive of Ed since Day One.

Los Angeles, CA


Lawyer says coaching is a “joy and pleasure” he looks forward to
In the short time that Ed has been coaching me, his comments and guidance have been invaluable. Within weeks, he has improved my self-confidence immeasurably, guided me to run my law practice more like a business and most importantly, helped me obtain my goal of increasing my income while decreasing the time I spend working. It is a joy and pleasure working with Ed and I look forward to each coaching session. My only regret is that I did not start with you sooner.

Atlanta, GA


Fabulous Opening/Closing Statement
We started trial today….. (The) short conversation we had about the case … prompted a fabulous opening/closing statement for me….. You sparked a great visual argument for me which I have confidence in…. Thank you.

Los Angeles, CA


Legal background adds to lawyer coaching
I have been working with coaches for the past couple of years concerning my business, and the thing that I particularly like about working with Ed Poll is his 25 years of legal background. He has a keen insight into the ramifications of practicing law and he seems to be genuinely concerned about my business.

Attorney at Law
Birmingham, AL


“Sage advice” in coaching leads lawyer to more profits
Ed educated me on how to implement a plan for the management of my law offices, which I have set up in Santa Monica. With his help, I was able to conceive and put into effect a business plan which promises not only to simplify my business, but to make it more profitable as well. He readily pinpointed my needs and offered sage advice on what I could do to rectify the problems that I have been facing. For this, I am forever grateful and will highly recommend him to anyone who asks.

Santa Monica, CA


“Excellent” coaching helps a large firm lawyer go solo
I decided to “go solo” and start my own practice after being a senior associate at a large national law firm. I started in temporary office space with a secretary and one associate attorney. I retained Ed Poll to provide comprehensive consulting and guidance in establishing my permanent office. He knew from day one how to re-shape my thinking from being a day-to-day lawyer into being in charge of a business. Ed knew the right questions to make me answer. Ed has taught me virtually everything I know about formation, planning, and now management of a successful law firm. I would enthusiastically recommend Ed Poll for retention as a consultant in connection with any aspect of law practice management.

Los Angeles, CA


Coaching helps lawyer find a more successful place in law firm
I was an associate at a large national law firm and I felt “stuck,” but I didn’t know how to market myself to clients or to other firms. Ed’s focus on the business side of the law firm provided a solid grounding for me to evaluate my current situation and a platform from which I could start growing my own practice. In many ways, working with Ed is like working with a therapist. Part of my coaching process with Ed has been getting to understand more thoroughly my strengths and weaknesses as both a marketer and as a lawyer. After working with Ed for six months, I was ready to market myself to other firms: I developed a clearly articulated set of objectives and Ed has gave me the tools that I needed to increase my exposure. Today, I am working for a law firm that provides better opportunities for my professional growth.

San Francisco, CA


Investment in coaching pays for itself
I was initially reluctant to expend the money for Ed Poll’s strategic planning session, but knew that in order to grow in an organized manner, I needed to spend the time in a one-on-one session. By the end of the first hour of our session, Ed helped me formulate a plan which, when implemented, resulted in an amazing return on the investment of the session. Ed then proceeded to analyze my financial statements and helped me to see my business in strictly financial terms—something us attorneys don’t normally do. If we had concluded our session then, I would have felt that it was extremely worthwhile and would have felt that I had received my “money’s worth.” But I have now used Ed as my business coach for the past two years and have been extremely impressed with his practical approach to the practice of law. With Ed’s encouragement, I find myself coming up with creative ideas regarding how to grow my business. I now feel that I can engage in the business of law, leaving my team to engage in the practice of law.

London, England


Click here to read more about coaching.


Keynote Speaking and Training Seminars

Orange County Bar’s Solo/Small Firm
I want to extend my compliments to you on your excellent presentation at the Orange County Bar’s Solo/Small Firm Section meeting. You were well-prepared. Your material was relevant. Your style of delivery was professional, yet comfortable. And, most importantly, you had the complete attention of the audience throughout.

Jerome M. Bame, Esq.


Praise for Life After Law
I’ve practiced law for over 40 years, getting ready to retire, and I thought your book and program, “Life After Law,” were excellent. I’d urge attorneys of any age in any jurisdiction to attend your program. It’s not only for prospective retirees: It gives sound practice advice to those attorneys not ready to retire. I now have my own ‘exit strategy’ in progress thanks to you.

Bernard A. Allen, Esq.


National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) benefited greatly from Ed Poll’s presentation
Ed recently presented at the 2011 Council of Advanced Practitioners (CAP) Conference in Chicago, Illinois. Ed is an engaging speaker on a number of topics relating to the Business of practicing law. The attorneys in our organization benefited greatly from his presentation on “disaster preparedness” and hope to have him speak to our group again soon on the topic of succession planning.

Franchelle C. Millender, CELA
2011-12 CAP Program Committee Co-Chair


Attendee gets “invaluable” info at training seminar
I enjoyed Ed Poll’s presentation at the “Running Your Law Practice Profitably” seminar, hosted by the University of West Los Angeles School of Law and the Beverly Hills Bar Association. The information presented and resource materials distributed during the presentation are invaluable to me as I prepare for a profitable law practice. Assisted by the material and forms in The Profitable Law Office Handbook, I can now develop and implement a successful strategic plan and marketing business plan to assist me in the business of law.

Barbara A. DeLaughter
Los Angeles, CA


Bar Association “very pleased” with training seminar
Ed Poll’s efforts resulted in the success of our Mid Year CLE Program event. During the planning stages of this Mid Year Program, the Section’s leadership indicated that if 75 lawyers attended the program, it would be considered a success. With our program attendance at over 100 attendees, the leadership clearly is very pleased with our efforts and want to continue bringing programs to the solo and small firm practitioner. We look forward to this challenge of making the Mid Year Program a regular event.

Lee S. Kolczun, Chair
Sole Practitioners and Small Firms Committee
American Bar Association


Law school says training seminar is “outstanding”
Ed Poll created and presented your three-day workshop “Starting, Operating, Growing and Profiting from the Practice of Law” for our Law School, the Continuing Legal Education Committee and the Washington Law School Foundation. Ed’s professional management skills and presentation talents provided our alumni and students with an outstanding program. The evaluations, both oral and written, were excellent and demonstrated that his audience agreed. One evaluator was particularly appreciative of the thought-provoking and interesting new concepts. Another said, “I have a much better understanding of what I’m to do — I’m energized. Thank you!” Ed had a major impact on the future of our attendees; this is a unique quality and we are most appreciative of his efforts to create such an interesting and informative program. I enjoyed working with him and look forward to doing so again.

John F. Rapp
Director, CLE
University of Washington


Keynote speech is the “highlight” of Bar Association training seminar
As President of the San Fernando Valley Bar Association, I’d like to thank Ed Poll once again for speaking at our recent continuing education seminar. Right before the continuing education deadline, we brought in a series of speakers on a weekly basis. Ed’s presentation, in my opinion, was the highlight of this series of speakers. I found the information which was presented to be tremendously valuable. Further, it was presented in a format which was both usable and interesting. Since Ed’s presentation, I have had an opportunity to speak with several others who were in attendance and it is clear from them that he made our event successful.

David R. Hagen
San Fernando Valley Bar Association


Click here to read more about Keynote Speaking and Training Seminars.


Law Firm Retreats

Major law firm has “wildly successful” retreat
The firm’s new management began to plan a three-day shareholder (partner) conference, our first multi-day conference in several years. We were concerned about our abilities to make fifteen hours of business discussions pertinent, focused and productive. At the suggestion of our chairman, we employed Edward Poll & Associates to advise us in pre-conference planning.

Over the next several months, Ed Poll helped us choose and best present the discussion topics, suggested how to have the greatest numbers of our shareholders engaged and proactive, and gave us many other invaluable ideas. Ed also attended the conference and was able to provide our shareholders with insights to how other firms handle some of the thorny issues we discussed.

In considerable measure, due to Ed’s assistance, our conference was wildly successful. Not only did we rediscover why we enjoy practicing with each other, we developed consensus and guidelines on eight different difficult issues facing law firms. I attribute our considerable success to kicking off the year so well.

Pamela Kohlman Webster,
Buchalter, Nemer, Fields & Younger


“Exceeding Our Expectations” at a Retreat for Mid-Sized Firm
We are a business law firm of 21 attorneys in Albuquerque, New Mexico’s commerce and financial center. Three years ago, we split from a longstanding El Paso-based regional firm after a twelve-year affiliation.

When we engaged Ed Poll to facilitate our attorney retreat, we were still experiencing start-up stress. And in addition to the many challenges we faced in launching a new business, we had the added complexities of overcoming the ineffective status quo (policies, procedures, culture, etc.) of our former firm. For these reasons, Ed Poll, a law firm consulting “generalist” was selected over other law firm business consultants.

Ed’s general knowledge of the legal industry was invaluable to the success of our firm’s retreat. He expertly provided guidance regarding the separate yet connecting parts in forming a healthy whole. He accurately assessed our firm’s needs and responded appropriately. Ed was highly sensitive to delicate firm issues, both explicit as well as implicit.

We were pleased and satisfied with Ed’s contribution to the effectiveness of the retreat. His work exceeded our expectations. We recommend him as a valuable resource to address a specific firm matter or to consult on the workings of the firm as a whole.

Marilyn C. O’Leary
Eastham Johnson Monnheimer & Jontz, P.C.
Albuquerque, NM


Click here to read more about Law Firm Retreats & Conferences.


Law Firm Reviews

Training Instills “New Culture” for Corporate Law Department
Edward Poll was engaged by the Metropolitan Water District and our General Counsel to complete an evaluation of our law department and provide specific emphasis on our outside counsel relationships.

Our challenge was to develop guidelines that would address issues of concern to our management while at the same time not destroy relationships that our General Counsel had cultivated with outside counsel over the years.

Once the guidelines were developed, Ed was asked to train the department’s Deputy Counsel in the art of budgeting and the politically sensitive task of implementing the approved guidelines. His command of the podium and his connection and interaction with the audience were outstanding. His skills enabled us to successfully implement a new culture into the organization without damaging our relationships with outside counsel.

I highly commend his expertise and professionalism in both the consulting and education process.

Linda Santos
Law Department Administrator
City of Torrance


Lawyer Gets “Wealth of Knowledge”
Ed Poll recently assisted me in valuing and restructuring my law practice. I had built what I thought to be a sound business in my solo professional practice, and wanted above all to maintain what had been built for the sake of staff and clients, but yet remove myself from active practice management. Ed was instrumental in assisting me to create, negotiate and document a transaction that implemented my intended result and that will pay me handsomely for what I have built.

During the entire period of working through to this result, Ed worked to clearly understand my goals, and assisted me in creating a structure into which they could manifest, considering my specific situation. He listened to what was important to me, and brought a wealth of knowledge and experience with operating, buying and selling businesses, to the activities needed to complete my project in a manner that was meaningful to me.

Ed is fair, kind and forthright, is very professional and was a very enjoyable person with whom to work. I would highly recommend the services of Ed Poll to anyone in need of assistance with understanding their business, improving its operations or valuing it for sale or transition to some other operational format.

DMG, R.N., J.D.
Austin, TX



Major law firm calls Ed Poll’s audio magazine an office “essential”
It is with great pleasure I enclose my renewal to “Law Practice Management Review: The Audio Magazine for Busy Attorneys.” I thoroughly enjoy Ed Poll’s programs and find them informative, timely and very convenient to use. I like the 15-20 minute format on each topic. It allows me to listen to one or two topics at a time depending on the time I have available. I also enjoy the speakers Ed selects, as they are knowledgeable and present their topics at a level anyone can understand. Finally, I like the questions Ed poses to his guest(s). I often find myself asking the same things, and Ed probes for practical applications and answers.

Gayle A. Wilson, Esq.
Continuing Legal Education Manager
Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro
San Francisco, CA


Reader recommends book on Law Firm Profitability
I would like Ed Poll for his recommendations in the Secrets of the Business Law and The Profitable Law Office Handbook. I had already implemented several of the recommendations suggested in his Secrets of the Business Law even before reading your book and it was nice to know that I have been doing some things correctly. I intend to implement many of the other recommendations he has made, and I am recommending his books to several of my colleagues.

John C. Mullin, Jr.


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