Where these three elements intersect for attorneys is the location of what I call "The 3-Dimensional Lawyer." When you arrive at that intersection, you'll find your practice and yourself in harmony.
In this balanced state of effective communications between lawyer and client, the client is well served and truly values the lawyer's efforts, the lawyer both enjoys the client and is challenged by the matter, and the client promptly pays the bill.
To achieve the balance, attorneys need to understand their own business operations better than they typically do. That understanding centers on the interaction among three factors: what the firm charges for service, how effectively it collects fees, and how the lawyers are compensated. The goal of that understanding should be to create an effective way of measuring, billing and collecting the value of services provided.
Ensuring any firm's business success requires an integrated approach to the issues of fees, billing, collection and compensation. The key elements include the following:
Law firms mirror their clients in business terms. To the extent that firms provide the services that their clients need at a price they are willing to pay, firms will grow. Otherwise, they will be challenged to stay in business.
The goal for lawyers and law firms should be to run their practices in a more businesslike way that will improve the professionalism of the practice of law. That can be achieved by providing transparency of services, returning phone calls promptly, adhering to a budget, providing sufficient details on invoices, and providing and conveying value to the client.
Our objective as attorneys is to improve people's lives. In the course of fulfilling that objective, we should provide and account for our services in such a way that clients understand the value as well as the cost of what we do. When that happens, fees are not an issue and client complaints do not occur. When it doesn't, lawyers are at best seen as a necessary but expensive evil.
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