If you had to do it again, would you? Many people are asking themselves this question. But, that's the wrong question. If you had to do it again under today's circumstances and economic environment, not the circumstances and economics of the time of your enrollment, would you again go to law school and become a practicing lawyer?
The answers would be different for many lawyers, having to do with expectations and the cost of going to law school today. But, despite the different economies in 1990 and 2015, a law school education is a valuable tool ... any enhanced education is a good tool and makes life more valuable and pleasurable.
Holiday Special ALL December One-time coaching session with me AND a copy of my book Life After Law (see below).
Social Media: "Circumspect" Is the Operative Word
You are not safe from the prying eyes of . . . anyone. Everywhere, eyes are upon you - or your social media, to be exact.
As an employee, your employers are undoubtedly checking what you've posted on social media and making judgments about you - judgments that may lead to unemployment. Even as a solo lawyer or partner - that is, situations in which you are the boss - eyes are upon you. In particular, the eyes of bar associations are upon you.
Disclaimers are one area in which bar associations have implemented regulations. For example, the Virginia State Bar in 2011 charged a lawyer with professional misconduct for talking about his own completed cases on his blog without adding an advertising disclaimer that results depend upon factors unique to each case and that results in one case do not predict similar results in others.
Furthermore, avoid giving commentary on cases on social media. An online criticism of an expert witness or an adversary in a current case could become an ex parte communication if the judge hearing the case reads your criticism.
In addition, bar associations are looking more closely at character as evidenced on social media sites. Several years ago, the Florida Board of Bar Examiners' Character and Fitness Commission recommended that the board consider expanding its review of personal websites during background investigations as necessary and decided to adopt a policy allowing a case-by-case investigation of social networking websites. Applicants' Facebook pages and similar social media sites could be reviewed in cases where there is previous evidence of substance abuse, where flippant reference is made to alcohol or drug consumption, or where candor is in question.
These situations are a far cry from major ethics concerns like dipping into client trust accounts. However, in today's society, no one (including lawyers) is exempt from scrutiny and questioning about personal conduct as revealed on social media.
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Special one-time coaching session with Ed (normally available only as part of the full six-month package) and a copy of Life After Law.
Note: This is a one-time offer with limited availability. First come, first serve.
About Ed:
- Lifetime Achievement Award, State Bar of California (LPMT)
- Fellow, College of Law Practice Management
- Board Certified Coach to the Legal Profession, SAC
- Member of the Million Dollar Consulting. Hall of Fame
- Learn more About Ed, his Coaching Program and his Books & CDs
"I felt 'stuck,' but I didn't know how to market myself to clients or to other firms. Ed provided a solid rounding of me to evaluate my current situation and a platform from which I could start growing my own practice."
CH San Francisco, CA
"I look at Ed as my business partner now-my once a week essential business meeting to take the pulse of my practice. During our one-hour phone conversations, we hash out the larger and smaller business challenges of my law firm. I always come away from those conversations enlarged, challenged, and sometimes even quite shaken, but with the tools necessary to move forward down the path he and I are constantly redefining for me and my firm."
AL Northern California