Today is the "day after." By yesterday, you should have settled up with Uncle Sam. To do so required some planning on your part. My very first book,
Attorney & Law Firm Guide to The Business of Law, focused on creating a plan for the business of your law practice. My latest book, Life After Law: What Will You Do With the Next 6,000 Days? focuses on planning for the day you decide to no longer practice law.
The themes of many of my works, including my coaching, seem to be about planning. As John Wooden of UCLA basketball fame said, Failing to plan is planning to fail." I'm working for your success. Are you? |
Your Practice Needs a Multi-Dimensional Focus
I have written and spoken many times about the three-dimensional model of legal practice: marketing (secure and maintain clients), production (do legal work efficiently and effectively) and collection (get clients to pay). In other words, get the work; do the work; get paid for the work. Mastery of each is what defines a successful "3-Dimensional Lawyer(tm)." However there is another dimension that no lawyer can afford to ignore, yet far too many of us pay inadequate attention to: the dimension of self.
I have been to two cycling camps in the last several months, as well as taking time to spend with my wife on the road. It has all been thoroughly enjoyable, and in fact I've never treated myself this well before. Isn't it time that you think of yourself as well? I recently met with a client who used to regularly work out but then he became so busy that he didn't take the time to take care of himself. This is a sure path to trouble. Like my "3-Dimensional Lawyer," there are three parts to our lives that cannot be ignored: Mental, Physical and Spiritual.
Work / life balance is a long-term assessment that every lawyer must make. In the short term there is really no such day to day phenomenon as balance - at any given moment the lawyer is doing just one thing, either working or engaging in personal pursuits. The broader perspective is how much cumulative time you devote to each, and what you value more. Some lawyers attempt to address this by multitasking, but trying to do too much leads to distractions that create their own form of stress. Get past the distractions and define what you want from your practice and your life so you can enjoy both and not stress over them.
Too many lawyers are close to burn-out or at the very least are unhappy in their day-to-day occupation. In fact, there are just too many reported cases of alcohol and drug abuse; how many such cases are not reported can only be left to the imagination. And the tough economic times of the past few years have created even more tension and unhappiness. All this is a reminder that, if we cannot control our environment, we can at least control ourselves. Don't let your personal enjoyment atrophy or your practice will too. If you take the time to address your mental, physical and spiritual needs, your revenue will not dip appreciably, but your enjoyment of life - and your practice - will be enhanced considerably.
$25 until May 1 (reg. $49)
ebook, $19 (reg $25)
What Will You Do with the Next 6,000 Days?
To Order: 1-800-837-5880 or order online at
With an eye on balancing the professional and personal fronts, Ed guides readers through the steps:
Choosing retirement on your own terms
Guarding clients' welfare in the event of disability or death
Transferring client and rainmaking responsibilities
Charting an exit from a multi-partner firm
Strategizing the sale or closure of a practice
Plus, you'll find essential counsel on how to guard your retirement nest egg and create a fulfilling post-practice life! Learn more.
What Clients Are Saying:
"I met with Ed for my first appointment in the Immersion Program, and at that first meeting, he saved me thousands of dollars by encouraging me to change a method of billing I have used for years. Ed validated and encouraged me to change something so simple which was costing the firm money. Ed is insightful, truthful and motivating. I look forward to our future meeting!"
MVO Los Angeles, CA
"I would highly recommend the services of Ed Poll to anyone in need of assistance with understanding their business, improving its operations, or valuing it for sale or transition to some other operational format."
DMG Austin, TX