Asian-Infused Law Firms in California
Published August 12, 2014
Geography is an important consideration in the business of law. You want to be where the business is and where the business will be.
In terms of California law firms and Asian business, the geography takes care of itself. Due to California’s geographical position, business from Asia “migrates” to California. Thus, California law firms with an orientation to Asian business are ideally situated, and those firms will grow.
In fact, the situation has sort of reached a critical plateau – a tipping point, if you will – where a number of the larger firms are actually sending lawyers to Asia to try to bridge the gap, and they have a significant presence in the Asian community there.
The Asian business has been successful for the law firms with an Asian practice. I don’t see any of those firms cutting back.
China is the preeminent competitor of the United States, and it wants to hold that position. However, in order to be a worldwide competitor, China has to play by the rules. China has been accused of copyright and patent violations – specifically, piracy of U.S. movies, music, software, etc. – but if China is going to be in the world community, it can’t do those things. It can’t set up its own rules and expect to get business from other countries that do play by the rules. All countries competing in the world marketplace expect all other countries to follow all accepted rules and regulations so that there is a more level playing field. And once the rule of law takes a more preeminent position, lawyers are needed.
Those law firms that have a presence in Asia are the ones that are going to be called on first. There are firms that have made Asian work their niche. The more Asian companies play by the rules, the more lawyers will be needed, and the larger firms are going to get.
Categorized in: Marketing and Business Development
Audience type: Administrators, Associates, Large Law Firms, Small Law Firms, Sole Practitioners