Can You Love Stress?

Published March 27, 2012

Stress, the “Silent Killer”

Dr. Oz, the popular television medic, recently said that high blood pressure is the “silent killer.” Stress, he said, is one of the major causes of high blood pressure. Lawyers I talk with almost universally tell me about the stress under which they labor. What I try to do as a coach is to advise about improving the lawyer’s operations, which often helps reduce stress levels for the lawyer. It’s a holistic perspective, addressing revenue improvement, operations changes that impact profit, and stress reduction that improves both the professional and personal life of the lawyer. Moreover a coach is someone the lawyer can talk with objectively, discussing fears and working to resolve them.

Love Your Work – Reduces Stress

But is stress always bad? A recent Los Angeles Times article featured a lawyer who clearly is a workaholic. But, she has a marvelous and somewhat unusual perspective on her workload. As the story emphasizes, stress can hinge on attitudes about work. In other words, if you love what you’re doing, it’s not work; if it’s not work, you may be exhausted at the end of the day, but you won’t be stressed out and unable to cope with your environment.

What is an “Engaged Workaholic”?

For the lawyer profiled, and others with this same perspective, the article used a term that was new to me: “engaged workaholic.” Said differently, if you are engaged in what you are doing, then the task is not a chore – it’s a hobby, or recreation. And how can that be stressful?

Take the Time to Pause and Think

Often the source of stress for such lawyers is a sense that their practice seems to be spinning out of control. They can’t decide which practice areas to focus on, how to focus on them, and whether – if they are even able to decide on a practice focus – the area they choose will provide enough income to support family and practice. Lawyers facing such an impasse should pause and physically take a deep breath. Taking the time to think things through, especially with the help of a coach, is the equivalent of a deep breath that restores perspective.

Do You Still Love the Law?

This is the point at which lawyers should ask themselves why they went to law school and became a lawyer. Do they still love the law and enjoy helping people? Is a career as a lawyer the best way to achieve their goals? I truly believe that most lawyers, at heart, love their profession. And as Confucius said, “Pursue a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” The trick is to get past the distractions and stress so you can enjoy your career for what you want it to be.

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Audience type: Associates, Large Law Firms, Small Law Firms, Sole Practitioners