Continuing to Bring “The Business of Law”® to MCLE

Published January 8, 2008

I’m proud to announce that as of last fall, Edward Poll & Associates, Inc. was once again approved as a provider of education for lawyers licensed by the State of California for the term of September 1, 2007 to December 31, 2010. Through all our LawBiz educational programs and tools, we have brought to lawyers a new and enhanced appreciation for “The Business of Law”® and its role in improving lawyer-client relations. Thousands of lawyers have benefited from our efforts over the years, and we take great satisfaction that the provider status granted by The State Bar of California recognizes this contribution. I’ve done my share of grumbling about state bar associations, so I definitely want to emphasize my appreciation for what the State Bar’s support means.

In many states, the practical skills that lawyers most need to keep their practices profitable and problem free—such as training in effective client service and law practice management techniques—either are not covered or are actively eliminated as legitimate MCLE credits. They also happen to be skills that no law school faculty would dare touch, lest they be considered “trade school” instructors.

Law school does not teach lawyers how to effectively interact with clients, how to efficiently manage their practices, how to become good rainmakers or make money. Without Bar Association approval for programs and training such as those we provide at LawBiz, lawyers have no place to learn these skills other than from the “School of Hard Knocks.” That is neither an efficient nor an effective way to learn how to build a better practice that better serves clients.

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Audience type: Administrators, Associates, Large Law Firms, Small Law Firms, Sole Practitioners