E-Mail: Taking the Snail out of Mail

Published March 10, 2015

The real power of the Internet has nothing to do with technology and everything to do with people. When we think of it in that way, if the Internet were nothing more than e-mail, that would be enough. E-mail enables communication among people so that they can stay in touch, build professional relationships, and help one another. It makes our interpersonal communications vastly more convenient and efficient. People send and respond to messages to suit their schedules; no more telephone tag. And, of course, e-mail is probably the best form of communication between people who are physically far apart.

Despite some lingering complaints about e-mail—it’s too impersonal, people like to hear the voice of the other person, it’s too difficult to type a conversation—not many can deny that it is the communication method of choice for lawyers. Let’s review some of its uses and benefits.

Communicating with Clients
When initially interviewing new clients, good questions to ask include the following: “How do you prefer to conduct your communications?” “Do you have e-mail?” “Would you prefer that I e-mail updates on the progress of your matter?” This tells clients that you care about how they do business (without forcing them into your communications mold).

During this conversation, you also should bring up expectations of e-mail response time. Clients should not expect you to respond within minutes after they send you an electronic message; they must allow you adequate time to receive the e-mail and review the issue or question. If you manage their expectations, they will be reasonable and more patient in waiting for your response.

Connecting with Colleagues

The same considerations are appropriate in dealing with colleagues. Ask if e-mail is an acceptable or preferred method of communicating with them about cases, internal firm matters, and similar issues. You might also inquire about whether they have a typical, or preferred, time for communicating about nonpriority issues. Many lawyers are so busy during the day that they respond to e-mails in the evening. This avoids “small talk,” which, in turn, saves valuable practice time.

Fewer Delays
Of course, e-mail is a great way to transmit documents without the delays inherent in transporting them by air or land. With today’s quality computer applications, the transmission of documents via electronic media is secure (though some might argue this point) and much faster than by any other method. Lawyers in different parts of the country or the world can now receive, review, and make changes to documents and get them back to the sender or to other recipients on the same day.

Staying in Touch Through LISTSERVs
With e-mail discussion lists, or LISTSERVs, information is passed from one person to the rest of the group by e-mail; logging onto a website is not required. This method is perfect for those who are busy: while LISTSERVs can generate a lot of electronic traffic, lawyers who do not have the time or inclination to read or respond to all of the messages need only hit the Delete key. They can scan the subject lines and participate selectively as their time and interests permit.

SoloSez, originally created by the ABA General Practice Section, is an excellent example of a LISTSERV with lawyers talking to each other all over the world. The price of admission is zero. The conversation goes from the mundane (food recipes) to important issues of the day to the practical side of law, including referrals.

In communicating with others, building progressive relationships with colleagues and clients, and becoming more productive in our practices, e-mail is a powerful tool that provides key benefits to all lawyers.

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Audience type: Administrators, Associates, Large Law Firms, Small Law Firms, Sole Practitioners