Go on the Offensive and Win the Game

Published April 8, 2014

The 2014 Super Bowl was a great example of the power of the defense. However, in law, attorneys need to be offensive, not defensive. Offensive in the business of law means being proactive.

In particular, lawyers must be proactive in terms of client relations in order to develop effective client relations. What are some of the best practices that you might consider to win the “game”?

Manage Client Expectations
From the very first intake session throughout your entire representation of the client, manage client expectations. In the sales world, there is a popular and apt saying: “Under promise and over deliver.”

Understand the Nature of the Matter
During the intake session, be sure to extract all of the information you can in order to understand the exact nature of the matter and what the client wants, not just what the client needs.

Prepare a Budget
During the first thirty to sixty days of engagement, prepare a budget of time, costs, and fees. Review this with the client, and have the client initial the budget.

Communicate Your Payment Expectations
Low realization results from not telling clients at the beginning of an engagement what is expected of them and from failure to follow through with the consequences of their failure to pay.

Develop a Team Approach
Discuss the concept of a team approach. This means that the client must timely respond to your requests for information; return your phone calls promptly; tell the truth so that surprises are minimized; and, of course, pay his bills.

Be Accessible
Do not fail to return phone calls and respond to letters or faxes. Clients don’t want to feel ignored.

Visit the Client
What could be more natural-and effective-than dropping in on a friend?

Ask for Feedback
Not enough law firms ask their clients, “How are we doing?” Finding out what clients think is extremely important to maintaining the lawyer-client relationship. Asking for feedback makes the client feel appreciated.

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Audience type: Administrators, Associates, Large Law Firms, Small Law Firms, Sole Practitioners