Kindling an Appreciation for New Technology

Published December 20, 2011

Five Books on Kindle, Each $9.99

Recently I was pleased to announce that five of my most popular publications are now available on Kindle,’s electronic book reader, at a price of $9.99 each. The publications (with Kindle access numbers) include:

  • Business Competency for Lawyers: A Lawbiz® Management Special Report (ASIN: B004YEMWQ8)
  • Disaster Preparedness & Recovery Planning for Law Firms: A LawBiz® Management Special Report (ASIN: B005V5PSZ6)
  • Law Firm Fees & Compensation: Value & Growth Dynamics: A LawBiz® Management Special Report (ASIN: B005V5B2JW)
  • Secrets of The Business of Law®: Successful Practices for Increasing Your Profits (ASIN: B004YEMXGM)
  • The Successful Lawyer-Banker Relationship: A LawBiz® Management Special Report (ASIN: B005V5B9WW)

Books Available in Different Formats

As ebooks continue to grow in popularity, I wanted to ensure that lawyers can access my publications through whichever medium is most convenient, including Kindle ebooks, or by using the Kindle app on popular tablets like the iPad. Of course, these and other publications are still available in hard copy through my website,

Paper Versus Online Books

Going the ebook route has required a bit of a perceptual adjustment for me – after all, I’ve written a number of articles that in one way or another are “in praise of paper” as a medium for books. My point has been that, just as we learn by touching things as children, as adults we retain emotionally positive feelings toward touching warm and familiar things like papers and books – while most of us view touching keyboards as a necessary evil. Moreover, books and magazines offer the free association that is made possible by glancing through printed pages. Facts and concepts leap off the page quickly and can be processed in different ways readily.

Technology is Useful in the Legal Profession

However, it seems to me that an ebook reader like Kindle essentially offers these same advantages. You hold it in your hand, can leaf through it as you choose, and can use it anywhere at any time. Technology is a tremendous tool when it is managed just as any other communication modality must be. Virtually all of the technology innovations that have meant so much for the legal profession are just another turn of the wheel in the law’s evolution. Accepting the positives of this change – including use of an ebook reader – is now a necessity for any lawyer, including one as devoted to paper as I am.

Categorized in:

Audience type: Large Law Firms, Small Law Firms, Sole Practitioners