LawBiz® Blog 2.0
Published November 20, 2007
It’s impossible these days to escape hearing or reading about “Web 2.0″—the trend of interactivity in websites that is epitomized by the give-and-take found in blogs (or “blawgs” when they relate to the legal profession). Since we introduced our blawg, LawBiz®Blog (, it has become one of the most talked-about and referred-to sources of comment and insight to help lawyers increase their revenue and earnings. (It has also given me a podium where I can air personal opinions and share experiences like the ongoing saga of our Airstream trailer.)
The LawBiz Blog was introduced in 2004—and three years is a long time to stay with anything in the world of online technology, even if it’s successful. And so on August 8, 2007 we introduced a completely new design for the site. If you visit it today you’ll see a new attractive look, better ways to respond to current posts, extensive links that enable you to access and order our many tools and products, and a searchable archive of posts—all the kind of interactive features that characterize Web 2.0 technology.
Blawgs/blogs are powerful marketing tools that combine personalized observation with facts and insights from the lawyer’s area of focus. Despite the misguided efforts of some state bar associations (most notably New York) to put restraints and external controls on what can be posted, blawgs have become an accepted part of the legal landscape. The best proof of this is that the American Bar Association’s newly redesigned web site,, features on its homepage a directory of more than 1,000 blawgs, which are organized and can be accessed by category. I’m pleased to say that among blawgs by consultants, the LawBiz®Blog ranks among the top dozen in popularity, based on the number of times that visitors to the ABA site have accessed their description of us. That description is a good, concise summary of what we do and what we will continue to offer:
LawBiz Blog bills itself as “your practical guide to profit.” Topics include running a law firm as well as profitably exiting by selling a law practice. It contains advice on law practice management and technology, linking to relevant articles and podcasts. The podcasts are interviews done by blawg author Ed Poll.
Categorized in: Management
Audience type: Administrators, Associates, Large Law Firms, Small Law Firms, Sole Practitioners