Summer: Marketing Opportunities

Published July 19, 2016

For most of you, the lazy days of summer—the days when you had nothing much to do because you were a student and it was the other nine months of the year when things were really hectic—are gone. And this is true for your potential clients, too.

However, summer is still, for many of you, a lazier time of year if you have children because during the school year you undoubtedly spend a lot of time juggling parenting duties and your children’s activities with your work schedule. Potential clients, too, have a little more free time than usual.

Clients who need legal services right away won’t wait for a less hectic time of year to go looking for a lawyer. But there are many potential clients out there who need legal services, such as wills or trusts, that are not necessarily of an imminent nature. This is where you come in. Seize the opportunity that the free time of summer is affording both you and potential clients and amp up the marketing.

Marketing ideas span seasons, but there are some ideas that work especially well in the summer given the extra time that your potential clients have: internet marketing and the personal touch.

Potential clients potentially have more time to surf the internet in the summer. Thus, this is a good time to revamp your law firm website. Websites offer a great place to publish information that prospective (and current) clients can access through the internet.

Another type of marketing that works especially well in the summer is “the personal touch.” This category includes anything that involves your personal attendance. For example, you can attend community events and subtly market yourself to others in attendance. You can speak at conferences and before industry groups. You can conduct presentations and seminars. The reason that this tactic works especially well in the summer is that it is a time of year when potential clients have more time to attend such events.

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Audience type: Administrators, Associates, Large Law Firms, Small Law Firms, Sole Practitioners