Time Management Issues? You’re Not Alone

Published September 19, 2017

Is managing your time problematic for you? If so, you’re not alone. But there are criteria that can help you decide what to do on any given day.

First, let’s look at some of the external deadlines. What are some of the deadlines imposed by courts and by the Rules of Professional Conduct and by the statute of limitations and the like?

The next criteria is how fast we can develop a revenue stream. In other words, you might want to think about that which creates revenue now ahead of that which creates revenue thirty days from now or a year from now.

A third factor to consider when deciding what to do today is called removal of impediments. If we can do something today that will remove an impediment to our doing something else tomorrow, it might appropriate for us to do that right away.

Another criteria that we might consider is what satisfies us. What do we want to do? What gives us joy and pleasure in our practice? Do you like to do preparation of complaints? Do you like to do the negotiating? Figure out what it is that you really enjoy doing and put that higher up on your list.

Another item to consider is the best leverage of the resources. In other words, if you can do something today that will impact three or four different areas rather than doing something today that will impact only one other area, you have in effect leveraged your resources more effectively.

The next criteria is building potential. What can you do today that will enhance your potential, whether it be a revenue steam or a skill enhancement or the size of your law firm?

Last, but certainly not least, what can you do today to build your capacity so that you can take on more clients, more matters?

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Audience type: Administrators, Associates, Large Law Firms, Small Law Firms, Sole Practitioners