We are entering the "holiday" season. The retailers are advancing the dates for slashing prices to increase their revenue before the year is over. Perhaps they should have been thinking about both pricing and service all year long. This is a lesson lawyers should take to heart. As my mother used to say, "If you don't remember me the other 364 days of the year, don't bother me on my birthday."
Trust and loyalty are a full-time endeavor, not one time a year.
Holiday Special ALL December One-time coaching session with me AND a copy of my book Life After Law (see below).
Lawyers: Feast or Famine?
A glut. That has been the "party line" for years when discussing lawyers and whether there is an oversupply in this country. But is "glut" an accurate representation of the legal industry?
In fact, there are many people who need legal representation and no lawyers to represent them - not because the lawyers don't exist but rather because lawyers who want to represent the underrepresented populations don't exist in large enough numbers.
In addition to a tremendous American population, there are immigrant folks from Europe, Mexico, and South America who are in this country illegally by most standards but need representation in the justice system. In fact, there is a whole host of people needing representation, whether it be for a fender bender, a small estate, or some other matter.
Likely, there are enough lawyers to represent all of these populations, but these populations are underserved nonetheless. The reason is that most people coming out of law school - I don't mean your mail-order law school or the fifth-tier law school, however that's defined, but a respectable high-quality law school-have gone to law school to get a professional education so that they can maintain or enhance their family lifestyle, and they are not going to be able to do that with a volume practice.
They are not going to be able to do that unless they get General Motors or Ford or Xerox or similar businesses as clients. There is intense competition for those clients, so the perception is that there is a glut of lawyers. Clearly, the glut only refers to lawyers interested in serving wealthy clients.
Incentives for working in certain areas of the law would help even out the playing field of the business of law and benefit not only the lawyers but also those who most need the help-the clients.
Holiday Special!
For the lawyer in your life, start the year right.
To Order: 1-800-837-5880 or order online at lawbizstore.com
Special one-time coaching session with Ed (normally available only as part of the full six-month package) and a copy of Life After Law.
Note: This is a one-time offer with limited availability. First come, first serve.
About Ed:
- Lifetime Achievement Award, State Bar of California (LPMT)
- Fellow, College of Law Practice Management
- Board Certified Coach to the Legal Profession, SAC
- Member of the Million Dollar Consulting. Hall of Fame
- Learn more About Ed, his Coaching Program and his Books & CDs
"Ed educated me on how to implement a plan for the management of my law offices, which I have set up in Santa Monica. With his help, I was able to conceive and put into effect a business plan which promises not only to simplify my business, but to make it more profitable as well. He readily pinpointed my needs and offered sage advice on what I could do to rectify the problems that I have been facing. For this, I am forever grateful and will highly recommend him to anyone who asks."
MG Santa Monica, CA
"Ed Poll recently assisted me in valuing and restructuring my law practice. I had built what I thought to be a sound business in my solo professional practice, and wanted above all to maintain what had been built for the sake of staff and clients, but yet remove myself from active practice management. Ed was instrumental in assisting me to create, negotiate and document a transaction that implemented my intended result and that will pay me handsomely for what I have built.
...I would highly recommend the services of Ed Poll to anyone in need of assistance with understanding their business, improving its operations or valuing it for sale or transition to some other operational format."
DMG, R.N., J.D. Austin, TX