Winston Marsh “Make more money… HEAPS more money!” – Part 2

Published February 16, 2007

In this podcast, Ed continues the interview with Australian-based Winston Marsh. Winston is a professional speaker and a marketing guru who helps businesses make more money … heaps more money. This segment continues by shedding light on his unique 2 x 2 x 2 formula to substantially increase your revenue.

An important lesson from Winston is that the work we do is what fuels our dreams. He suggests that we must live our life in a way that achieves our dreams before they carry us off, not after. That may be a great reason to listen to Winston again – to achieve greater success sooner so we have the wherewithal to achieve those dreams.

28 minutes, 04 seconds

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Audience type: Administrators, Associates, Large Law Firms, Small Law Firms, Sole Practitioners