WordRake Editing Software

Published September 30, 2013

Gary Kinder is the Founder and Creator of WordRake Editing Software. He is also a lawyer and a New York Times bestselling author who has taught over 1,000 writing programs at the most prestigious law firms in the US. He has dedicated his career to teaching legal professionals how to write precisely, vividly, concisely and memorably. Kinder channeled his many years of intelligence about superior legal writing and editing into the software program, WordRake is now being used by thousands of law firms and organizations to tighten their prose and become better writers. Kinder authors weekly writing tips as well as a blog called WriteToThePoint.com.

WordRake, a new software program that enables lawyers to improve their writing and become far more persuasive than without this tool. This is more than checking your grammar; any program can do that. This actually helps you to improve your writing. If you’re an associate needing to have your work reviewed by a senior partner, this tool will enable you present a far better product for review … and of course be viewed as a much better lawyer. If you’re a sole practitioner, you may not have the benefit of a good editor at your elbow. This tool will make you better.

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Audience type: Administrators, Associates, Large Law Firms, Small Law Firms, Sole Practitioners