This is a great site that deals with fraud in its many varieties, from business fraud, internet fraud, elder fraud and others. Worth your time to check it out.
Some have wondered about the marvels of networking (not net resting) in a room full of strangers. It is an art. Here are some suggestions that may help in this time of year. Before the reception, arrive early, wear your name tag on the right and don’t worry about the food (that’s not why you’re there!). At the reception, meet as many people as you can – this is not the time for detailed information. Get the other person’s business card (not important about yours). Screen your conversation in the very first few moments to determine if this is a person who can help you in some way in the future. Encourage the other person to speak (again, not important about your conversation – this is not a selling event). It’s o.k. to say, "Excuse me, I see someone I need to say ‘hello’ to" and then walk away. Make notes on their business cards so you remember who they are and why you thought they were important to you. After the event, call them to set up another meeting, breakfast or lunch. At that session, learn more about them, and engage in a mutually beneficial conversation.
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