by Edward Poll, J.D., M.B.A., CMC
Tim Connor, CSP, suggested that there are certain characteristics of successful salespeople. Adapting his principles to the legal profession, one might say that the differences between successful business originators (finders) and those who are good producers, but don’t originate much new business (grinders), include the following:
How many of these characteristics do you possess? Many people believe that these characteristics are in-born. I agree, for example, that one cannot be taught to care about other people. If, however, you care about others, I believe that most of the other characteristics of successful people can be taught. In fact, but for our ability to learn, the teachings and writings of many people such as Stephen Covey, Zig Zigler, Jack Canfield, Bryan Tracey and many others would fall on deaf ears. Merely being a good technician is no longer sufficient. Take time now and create the inventory of where you need to tweak your skills ... and then "just do it"... and reach for your dreams of success!
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