In an administrative order (no case pending before it), the New Jersey Supreme Court said it will recognize the new realities of technology and not require that a New Jersey-admitted lawyer have a physical office in New Jersey to practice law.
The Court said: "The requirement that a lawyer maintain a bona fide office in New Jersey does not recognize that technology, when used effectively, can substitute for proximity," the committee reported to the court, "and that a lawyer's office in Delaware, Pennsylvania, or New York may be just as accessible by such means as an office in New Jersey." Click here for more information.
The article says that New York Bar leaders are pleased with the decision and New Jersey Bar leaders are disappointed. How interesting! New York and Philadelphia want their lawyers to be able to poach in New Jersey. But, for their part, do they support New Jersey (or California or ....) lawyers being able to reverse the tables and practice in New York? In my experience, the answer is a resounding "NO"! My, my, I guess it really does depend on the economics of whose ox is getting gored ... :-)
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